Steel Ground Sleeve With Support Plate & Steel Centering
Steel Ground Sleeve With Support Plate & Steel Centering
Sleeves With Base Plate, Support Plate, Grounding Spike & Steel Centering Structure
Flagpole With Flag
Eder Flag Logo

Steel Ground Sleeve With Support Plate & Steel Centering


The most common type of flagpole installation is the in-ground foundation sleeve method which calls for 1' of the flagpoles to be encased in the ground sleeve for each 10' of exposed flagpole height. The diameter of sleeve should be at least 2" greater than the outside diameter of flagpole with the area between the flagpole and the sleeve filled with dry sand. Sleeve with a 6" diameter is supplied with the base plate and grounding spike. Sleeves with a diameter of greater than 6' are supplied with a base plate, support plate, grounding spike and, for ease of vertical alignment, steel centering structure welded to the inside of the base plate. 


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